We are a co-educational, integrated primary school. Although our school has a Christian ethos, we welcome children from all religious traditions as well as those who have no specific religious beliefs.
Our learning and teaching approach is very much child-centred from our nursery unit right through to Primary 7. We also aim to create and maintain an atmosphere of inclusion, respect, sharing and openness throughout the school. We value all our pupils as individuals and respect their right to be different and to excel in different ways. We treat each child fairly regardless of gender, class, colour or religion.
Parental involvement is also a key aspect of our school life. As a grant maintained integrated school, we receive our funding directly from the Department of Education but unlike other schools, our integrated status ensures that the school is completely managed by a Board of Governors made up predominantly of parents. Every parent is also a member of our very active Parents' Council which meets on a regular basis, providing parents with a forum for discussion on many important school issues.
Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child To Corran Integrated Primary School and Nursery Unit
We are a Take 5 School: we provide opportunities for our school community to support their mental wellbeing by following the Take 5 Steps.
On alternate weeks, we celebrate with a High Five Friday!
Find out more about our school ethos - click here!
Did you know that we also have a school bus? Click here for more details!