The Parents' Council are there to provide a parent’s point of view
On all sorts of activities and issues and we want your opinion too.
We want to know your ideas on how our council could grow
In activities, in attendance and in extra cash flow.
Before you answer our questionnaire we would really like to mention
What’s involved in Parents' Council, just while we’ve your attention!
We meet the first Tuesday of every month, in the staff room at the school
And discuss all sorts of things from fundraising to school rules
Sometimes we are asked to give a parents' point of view
On how the school should handle things and what we think they should do.
We arrange and organise events throughout the year
From bag-packing, to the school fete to spreading Christmas cheer.
We provide refreshments at school events both big and small
But it doesn’t take a lot of time and it’s rewarding to us all.
So you are always welcome and we want you to remember
Whether you come to meetings or not you already are a member.
This happened automatically when Corran IPS was your first choice
And we want you to know that in Parent’s Council you have a voice.
You are encouraged to forward your opinion on what matters most to you
So feel free to come along next month, we will all welcome you.
For right now we wondered if you would fill out our questionnaire
All answers are anonymous so be honest and be fair.
For taking the time to fill this out, we thank you very much
And if you want any other information, please just get in touch.