At Corran IPS, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children and aim to give every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible. Our teachers have high expectations for all pupils including those children with any additional needs and regardless of their social or cultural background, ethnic group, ability or disability. Teachers plan suitably challenging activities which engage children in their learning.
The Northern Ireland Curriculum covers the following key learning areas:
The following skills and capabilities are also developed:
Cross- curricular skills
Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
At Corran IPS our classes are arranged as follows:
How is Religious Education Taught?
Our school has a Christian ethos. We celebrate together throughout the year at assembly and at special services.
All children attend our Harvest, Christmas and Easter festivals together and the school choir sings at some of the Sacramental services. We regularly hold special assemblies and services in a variety of places of worship in the local community. Members of the local clergy and other visiting speakers often join us at school assembly.
The religious and spiritual welfare of all children will be in line with parental wishes. Sacramental preparation is available for Roman Catholic children wishing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. All enquiries regarding the teaching of R.E. should be directed to the Principal.